Blog Prompt #6 - Great Sound
DUE on personal Blog on MONDAY OCTOBER 27th.
READING: Page 135-157
Find two example of sound based art. Sound art in a gallery, on a website or in a public art setting.
(I’m not talking about straight video, such as tv shows or movies)
Please include the video or at least the link to the video.
Write a paragraph, at least 4 sentences, about each work.
Use resources such as
Art Forum - (
PBS Art 21 - (
Art Net - (
The Creators Project - (
MOMA Sound Exhibit
DUE on personal Blog on MONDAY OCTOBER 27th.
READING: Page 135-157
Find two example of sound based art. Sound art in a gallery, on a website or in a public art setting.
(I’m not talking about straight video, such as tv shows or movies)
Please include the video or at least the link to the video.
Write a paragraph, at least 4 sentences, about each work.
Use resources such as
Art Forum - (
PBS Art 21 - (
Art Net - (
The Creators Project - (
MOMA Sound Exhibit