What was your favorite part or software program of this class?
I enjoyed the creative process required for each project and I also enjoyed the open discussions about various exercises, projects, class tutorials or whatever.
My favorite program has to be After Effects because of it's ability to assist more with the creative/construction process coupled with it's timeline. However, Premiere Pro is more user-friendly when it comes to straight-up editing one's timeline.
What was your least favorite part or software program of this class?
Least favorite part of the class has to do with the projector. Not a big problem when it comes to tutorials, but when our projects are displayed during critiques, the images are not optimal.
What part or program of this class will you continue to use in your artwork?
I will absolutely use Photoshop again. In fact I've already used it for other course work. And I'm quite certain I will use After Effects, Audition and Premiere Pro again.
What was your favorite piece of artwork you made in this class?
Trojan Checkers was my favorite piece. I cannot believe all that I learned on that project. I utilized Ps, Ae, Au and Pr to complete that project. Not to mention, drawing the characters and backgrounds, writing the script and recording the voices.
What was your favorite piece of artwork made by someone else in the class?
Deborah's Origami Animation Project was my favorite. A wonderful concept that combined an elegant audio and visual construct in a very clever way.
I accidentally erased the last question, but here is my answer in regards to changing some dynamic about the course.
I had no issues with the timelines. They suited me fine and gave me enough time to either finish a project or make a midpoint deadlines. Although, I was not a big fan of having blogs due Monday mornings. I would have preferred mid-week. Just one guy's opinion :)
I enjoyed the creative process required for each project and I also enjoyed the open discussions about various exercises, projects, class tutorials or whatever.
My favorite program has to be After Effects because of it's ability to assist more with the creative/construction process coupled with it's timeline. However, Premiere Pro is more user-friendly when it comes to straight-up editing one's timeline.
What was your least favorite part or software program of this class?
Least favorite part of the class has to do with the projector. Not a big problem when it comes to tutorials, but when our projects are displayed during critiques, the images are not optimal.
What part or program of this class will you continue to use in your artwork?
I will absolutely use Photoshop again. In fact I've already used it for other course work. And I'm quite certain I will use After Effects, Audition and Premiere Pro again.
What was your favorite piece of artwork you made in this class?
Trojan Checkers was my favorite piece. I cannot believe all that I learned on that project. I utilized Ps, Ae, Au and Pr to complete that project. Not to mention, drawing the characters and backgrounds, writing the script and recording the voices.
What was your favorite piece of artwork made by someone else in the class?
Deborah's Origami Animation Project was my favorite. A wonderful concept that combined an elegant audio and visual construct in a very clever way.
I accidentally erased the last question, but here is my answer in regards to changing some dynamic about the course.
I had no issues with the timelines. They suited me fine and gave me enough time to either finish a project or make a midpoint deadlines. Although, I was not a big fan of having blogs due Monday mornings. I would have preferred mid-week. Just one guy's opinion :)